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Open in a separate window Skin Care Healthy and functioning skin barrier is important protector against dehydration, penetration of various microorganisms, allergens, irritants, reactive oxygen species and radiation. The skin barrier may be specifically adjusted to allow penetration.

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For this reason daily skin care may increase skin regeneration, elasticity, smoothness, and thus temporarily change the skin condition. Although the technology required to suitably deliver these compounds into the skin has not yet been developed, some products do promote the natural synthesis of these substances except elastin enhancing.

DNA photodamage and UV-generated reactive oxygen species ROS are the initial molecular events that lead to most of the typical histological and clinical manifestations of chronic photodamage of the skin.

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Wrinkling and pigmentary changes are directly associated with premature photo-aging and are considered its most important cutaneous manifestations.

The strategies aimed at preventing photo-aging include sun meds4all svájci anti aging, sun protection using sunscreens to block or reduce skin exposure to UV radiation, retinoids in order to inhibit collagenase synthesis and to promote collagen production, meds4all svájci anti aging anti-oxidants, particularly in combination, to reduce and neutralize free radicals FR.

Nutritional antioxidants act through different mechanisms and in different compartments, but are mainly FR scavengers: 1 they directly neutralize FRs, 2 they reduce the peroxide concentrations and repair oxidized membranes, 3 they quench iron to decrease ROS production, 4 via lipid metabolism, short-chain free fatty acids and cholesteryl esters neutralize ROS.

The most important source of antioxidants is provided by nutrition. To the most known systemic antioxidants belong vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and from the trace elements copper and selenium.

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The antioxidants, such as vitamins, polyphenols and flavonoids, reduce collagen degradation by reducing the concentration of FR in the tissues. The cell regulators, such as retinols, peptides and growth factors GFhave direct effects on collagen metabolism and influence collagen production.

Vitamins C, B3, and E are the most important antioxidants because of their ability to penetrate the skin through their small molecular weight.

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It acts by smoothing the skin and increasing the ability of the stratum corneum to maintain its humidity, to meds4all svájci anti aging the epithelialization, and contribute to photoprotection of the skin. The effects meds4all svájci anti aging not as strong as with vitamins C and B3.

Cell regulators, such as vitamin A derivatives, polypetides and botanicals, act directly on the collagen metabolism and stimulate the production of collagen and elastic fibers. Vitamin A retinol and its derivates retinaldehyde and tretinoin are also a group of agents with antioxidant effects.

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They can induce the biosynthesis of collagen and reduce the expression of MMP 1 collagenase 1. Retinol is, at the moment, the substance that is most often used as an anti-aging compound and, compared with tretinoin, causes less skin irritation.

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It has been shown to be able to reduce the signs of UV-induced early skin aging, such as wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity and pigmentation. Polypeptides or oligopeptides are composed of amino acids and can imitate a peptide sequence of molecules such as collagen or elastin.


Through topical application, polypeptides have the ability to stimulate collagen synthesis and activate dermal metabolism. Chemical peels are classified into three categories. The depth of peeling depends not on the substance used only, but on its concentration, pH of the solution and time of application.

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Deep peels coagulate proteins and produce complete epidermolysis, restructure of the basal layer and restoration of the dermal architecture. An increase in collagen fiber content, water and GAG in the dermis has been reported.

Nonablative skin rejuvenation is not a precise term since rejuvenation is a controlled form of skin wounding aimed at achieving a more youthful appearance after the wound heals.

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Lasers emitting 1, 80 1, 81 and 1, nm 82 using interstitial and intracellular water as target chromophores and pulsed dye lasers PDL 83 using oxyhemoglobin as the primary chromophore are now employed for Type II photo rejuvenation only.

The clinical efficacy of these nonablative modalities are weaker than that of the ablative methods, however, new collagen formation and clinically observable improvement in wrinkles can be observed.

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The increase in dermal collagen has also been confirmed by noninvasive ultrasonographic analysis 94 and radioimmunoassay. A before, B after one treatment with IPL with nm cut-off filter.